
New buttons and you won’t forget

With the advent of editorial offices that have more magazines came the need to work effectively with the interface for publishers. New buttons have been added to the publisher interface.

A small turn to the functioning of the system. The system combines the possibility of requests/offers with the catalog and the two-way influence of the display. If the publisher’s page is not cataloged, it will not appear to the advertiser until the publisher makes an offer. This offer will appear in the catalog highlighted with the note “I’m interested”. When a page is cataloged, the advertiser always sees it. When the publisher makes an offer, the page in the catalog is highlighted with the note “I’m interested”. When the publisher rejects the request, this page is hidden from the catalog by the advertiser.

Publishers who have multiple pages in the system now see buttons for switching between the previous and next page at the bottom of the requests page. If there are any requests for the website, a button for bulk rejection of requests is displayed at the bottom of the page

Today’s update also remembered advertisers. An advertiser may enter their first campaign, top up their credit, wait for site bids, and forget about their campaign. At PR Yard, we also think of such cases. After a week, we will send you an email and after 14 days we will call to remind you of your campaign.