Approved pages (social accounts) in the system are shown new article requests that can be responded to. Each page is shown new requests according to the language setting and the type of page (web, social account). The link to the inquiry page can be found on the main administration page next to the site name or via the left menu and page detail. The date of publication of the enquiry is displayed in the top right corner of the enquiry. Enquiries are displayed from the most recent.

Offering to make an enquiry

Click on the green “Offer” button to offer your page to the advertiser in the site catalogue. The enquiry will be hidden in the enquiry list and your page will be highlighted in yellow to the advertiser for the enquiry. If the page did not have “Show in catalogue” turned on in the page settings, the page will begin to show up in the catalogue for the advertiser and will be highlighted in yellow.

When the advertiser chooses the offered page, you do not have to confirm the order and can place the order directly. The advertiser can also filter the “Offers only” option in the catalogue. Advertisers buy offers 2.7 times more often than free listings in the catalogue (*7/2022).

Refusing an enquiry

Click on the red “Refuse” button to reject the enquiry and the enquiry will be hidden in the enquiry list. Your page will be hidden from the advertiser’s site catalogue if your settings were set to “Show in catalogue”.

Refusing all enquiries

At the bottom of the page, below the enquiries, there is a red “Refuse all” button. Click on the button to reject all enquiries on the page in bulk, see “Refusing an enquiry”.

If you have multiple pages in your account, you may see green buttons to the left and right of the “Refuse all” button to move to the next page. The buttons to your other pages are displayed if they have corresponding new enquiries.

Newsletter – new enquiries

Each publisher is sent a newsletter once a day with information about new enquiries for their site. If there are no corresponding enquiries the newsletter is not sent.

The frequency at which they are sent, including the option of switching off dispatch, can be changed in the user settings. Clicking on the email in the top right of the administration will open a menu where you will find the user’s “Settings”. In the user settings, in the “Newsletter emails” block you can change the newsletter dispatch to daily/weekly/never.

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Content marketing

Create and distribute content that engages internet visitors, informs them about your services or product, and is designed to encourage them to purchase your services or product. Users consume content on the internet actively (search engines) or passively (magazines and social networks). Content marketing using PR articles and social media posts will help you get the necessary information to content consumers where they are looking for it or consuming it.

Advertorials (PR articles)

PR articles are advertising articles written by an editor as regular media content. Readers often don’t perceive the advertising message as an advertisement, but as a handy informative article. Paid or sponsored articles therefore belong to subliminal advertising. PR articles is an abbreviation used in the Czech language for the expression “paid advertising articles”. In professional circles, the term “advertorials” – a composite of “advert” and “editorial” (an article written by an editor) – tends to be used. On the PR Yard platform, you can order PR articles in English, Czech, Slovak, Polish and German.

Link building using paid articles

Paid articles are often used as a link-building method. Link-building is a term meaning to get backlinks. Internet search engines rank pages in search results (SERPs) according to the popularity of the page. Multiple sources called signals are used to evaluate site popularity. The popularity of the site is mainly determined by backlinks. Each page has a certain popularity, which some SEO tools try to express using a “rank”. A page with higher popularity should have a higher rank. In the PR Yard catalogue, you can sort by statistics from Ahrefs (+ MOZ).